The Heart Beads Program originated in the Heart Centre for Children at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in 2010. The Heart Beads Program hopes to enrich the experience of heart kids & their families at children’s hospitals throughout Australia. Children are rewarded with distinctive beads specific to each procedure or treatment they receive whilst in hospital.
Diagnosis or attendance at the pre-admission clinic is the starting point for your child’s inclusion in the program. Each child’s beads are special & unique to them and are a reward for all of the hardships the children face whilst in hospital. The children feel a sense of achievement for their courage and the beads help them to tell their story, trace their unique journey and forge relationships with other children.
The Heart Beads Program is available in each of the major children’s hospitals in our state capitals except for the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
The Heart Beads Program has been proudly sponsored & funded by the Northern Beaches Social Riders since 2012 and HeartKids would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their ongoing support and help in raising funds and awareness to support children with congenital/childhood heart disease and their families.
Beads cannot be handed out retrospectively due to privacy laws that prevent us from accessing patient information. For further information regarding the Heart Beads Program please contact
Proudly supported by Northern Beaches Social Riders