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Parent or Carer

Parent or Carer
Finding out that your child or unborn baby has a heart condition can be overwhelming. HeartKids is here to support you.

HeartKids has been working with and supporting families on their childhood heart disease journeys for over 40 years. 

We provide practical and emotional support for your family in hospital and in the community. We’re here to listen and to guide you to the right information and services.

How we can help you

Practical support

Preparing for hospital stays

We have support staff in children’s hospitals across the country. HeartKids provides direct support to families in hospital and after discharge.

Find out more about the support we can provide to you.

 Read more 

Travel and accommodation subsidies

Patients impacted by childhood heart disease, who are required to travel a significant distance for specialised medical treatment, may be able to claim for travel and accommodation.

Learn more about travel and accommodation subsidies here.

Learn more

Emotional support

Professional mental health support

Our support staff can assist you and your family to access professional mental health support services and programs.

Learn more about the mental health support available.

 Learn more

HeartKids Families Program

Caring for a child with a heart disease can impact the entire family unit. We have developed a family support program to help you navigate your new norm.

Learn more about the HeartKids Families Program here.

Learn more

HeartKids Helpline

If you just want to know there is someone you can call on from time to time, who will listen without judgment or getting overwhelmed, the HeartKids support team is here for you. 

Call the HeartKids Helpline on 1800 432 785 (business hours) or have us call you by filling in the form.

Call 1800 432 785 Have us call you

Peer support

Events and support groups

Our events and groups are an opportunity to connect with others and share experiences in a safe and welcoming environment.

We hold regular state-based meetings and get-togethers for parents and families. We also have an active and supportive community of heart families on Facebook. 

Find an event near you or join the Facebook group.

 See events Join the group  

HeartKids Peers as Mentors Program

Peer mentors can offer practical assistance, share their own story, be a friendly face, a supportive shoulder and voice on the end of the phone for you.

Learn more about our Peers as Mentors Program.

 Learn more


Dads are a critical part of the HeartKids community. Oftentimes their experiences may be unique to other family members. We provide specialised support to Dads.

Find out more about connecting with other Dads.

Learn more

Check out our blog

Many families are impacted by childhood heart disease in Australia. 

Read some of the stories and experiences of other parents on our blog.

Read now

Parent or carer resources

Our fact sheets and resources are designed to give you more information about childhood heart disease.

Follow the link to browse our variety of online resources.

 Read fact sheets
